Westfield Community Association
Annual General Meeting Monday 20th June 2022
Present: Taris de Mann, Jane de Garston, Tom Hanes, Geoff Bartlett, Linda & Anthony Turnbull, Mary Potterton, Colin Brook, Dave Thomas, Russell Chapman, Rosemary Bond, Dave Miles, Valerie Bailey, Sally Cruttenden, John Barnett, Steve Munns, Adrian Samuel, Jill Edwards
The meeting opened at 7.35 pm.
1. Apologies: Janice Bolton, Bill Juby & Heidi Hobden.
2. Minutes of the last meeting 23 April 2023 Agreed and signed by Taris off.
3. Chairman’s Report: Taris welcomed everyone to the meeting and started with a huge thank you to John Barnett who, after many years service, has resigned from the WCA and Hall Committee Chairman although he has advised he will support the new committee. His knowledge will be missed.
Taris provided a verbal report on events during the last year including the Coronation Event, which despite a last minute hiccup with the withdrawal of the road closure, was a great success and enjoyed by lots of families. The Barn Dance was also a busy event with extra tickets being purchased on the door.
The Fete is planned for 2nd July and the dog show is making a welcome return. The theme is Movie stars and anyone wanting a stall is asked to let her know.
The autumn will see the return of welly wanging and it is hoped the seniors tea can be extended to include families with possibly some children’s entertainment.
To end her report Taris advised that Lucy has resigned her position as treasurer. Taris expressed thanks for the work Lucy had done to support the WCA. We may need to consider a paid position for maintaining the accounts and taris asked if anyone knows of someone who may be interested to please let her know.
With regard to officers Adrian has agreed to stay as Vice Chairman and Jane will remain as secretary.
4. Treasurer’s Report: The report had been circulated with the agenda. There were no questions.
5. Election of Auditor: This was deferred to the next meeting
6. Hall Management Committee Chair’s Annual Report: John confirmed his decision to step away following over 20 years of being on the WCA Committee.
In summary of the hall ownership he advised the bricks and mortar belong to East Sussex County Council but as of 1975 the land belongs to the WCA when the hall was originally built. The extension was completed in 2004.
There is a new headteacher at the school and the 3 meetings held with the hall committee have, so far, been positive.
John presented the hall accounts and outlined the main hirers and an extended booking for next year’s pantomime. The maintenance expenditure is an estimate as the accounts have not been received from East Sussex County Council. He advised he will support the transition to the new committee and chairman.
John thanked Rachel for all her hard work in managing and cleaning the hall and also thanked Cheryl & Tom for all their work with the garden areas.
Colin Brook asked if the estimates are on the conservative side? John responded he is hopeful they are on the positive side.
Colin added, from his experience, being on the hall committee and dealing with the school requires diplomatic skills and he thanked John for all his years supporting the WCA.
7. Reports from Affiliated Members
Please note that more information about the activities of the member organisations regularly appears in the WCA newsletter.
Horticultural Society: David Miles joined the society last year and is now the membership and events organiser. He was sad to report that membership numbers have fallen and the quizzes planned were cancelled due to poor uptake but they are hoping their upcoming events will encourage new members.
Tennis Club: Mary reported the club continues to play each week and they have 2 tournaments each year to raise funds.
Friendship Club: Jill reported she is the treasurer to the club who meet on alternate Tuesdays at The New Inn. They will be having a key game at the fete.
Brownies & Guides: Sally reported although numbers are low both groups are working to achieve badges.
WI (Womens Institute): Linda reported they are open to members of any age and ladies are welcome to attend 2 meetings without obligation to becoming a full member. They meet on the second Friday each month, except in August. They will be having a cake stall at the fete.
Bowls Club: Dave reported they are looking forward to a big tournament this weekend.
The green is doing well although a little rain would be welcome. They are seeking alternatives on how to clear grass cuttings as they no longer have someone to take them to the tip. Any suggestions are welcome.
They will have a game at the fete.
Cricket club: Colin reported there has been a mixed start to the season but they are hopeful of good games. Support for the junior weekend sessions remains strong, any adult volunteers who would like to support the club are welcome.
8. Questions or other points members want to raise: Bill Juby had submitted his apologies for the meeting but had advised the future of the Hub is to be decided at a meeting on Friday this week.
9. Election of individual Full Council Members to the WCA committee & officers:
Chairman – Taris de Mann, proposed by Jane de Garston, seconded by Steve Munns
Vice Chairman – Adrian Samuels, proposed by Taris de Mann, seconded by Steve Munns
Treasurer – Position vacant
Secretary – Jane de Garston, proposed by Taris de Mann, seconded by Linda Turnbull
Other individual members:
Nominations were received from: Pauline Filsell-Page, Newsletter Editor, Valerie Bailey, Janice Bolton, Rosemary Bond, Russell Chapman, Steve Munns, Adrian Samuel, Lucy Fairman, Heidi Hobden.
These were all accepted.
Affiliated groups
The following representatives were confirmed: Scouts – Jan Goodsell ; Friendship Club- Jill Edwards; Cricket Club – Colin Brook; Horticultural Society – Dave Miles; Womens Institute – Linda Turnbull; Bowls Club – Dave Thomas; Veterans Growth – Sarah Wilson; Brownies & Guides – Sally Cruttenden; Tennis Club – Mary Potterton
Other groups will be reminded they need to submit details of a representative if they wish to continue with their affiliation.
The new Parish Councillor will be confirmed with the Parish Clerk.
10. Election of WCA Representatives for the Hall Management Committee (HMC):
Members agreed were Russell Chapman, (Chairman) Rosemary Bond & Sally Cruttenden.
With a new Hall Committee new signatories will be required and it was agreed to seek an account which can be managed online.
11. Date of next Council Meeting: Thursday, 13th July at 7.30 p.m. in the small hall
With no further business the meeting concluded at 8:25 p.m.