East Sussex County Services In alphabetical order:-
Archives & Records 01273 482349
Adoption 01323 747154
Births, Marriages & Deaths 01424 721722
Child Protection (12years & older) Hastings & Rother area 01424 724130
Child Protection (11years & younger) Hastings & Rother area 01424 724144
Child Protection (Out of Hours) 01273 335905
Children’s Disability Team 01323 741527
Compost Bins 01273 482995
Confidential Reporting Hotline 01273 481995
Coroners Office 01273 292046
County Councillor 01273 481576 (eastsussex.gov.uk/councillors)
Economic Development & Skills 01273 481476
E Sussex Music Service 01273 336770
Family Information Service 0345 60 80 192
Footpaths & Bridleways 0345 60 80 193
Fostering 01323 747155
Gypsy & Traveller Team 01273 481340
Green Business Advice 01273 481606
Hastings Borough Council 01424 451066
Hazardous Waste Disposal 01273 482153
Highways 0345 60 80 193
Job Vacancies 01273 335733 (eastsussex.gov.uk/jobs)
Libraries Renewals 0345 60 80 195 Enquiries 0345 60 80 196
Minerals & Waste Planning 01273 481846
Recycling Sites 01273 482153
Road Safety Education 01273 482150
Road Safety Enquiries 0345 60 80 193
School Admissions & Transport 01273 481307
School Attendance Advice 01424 724180
Schools Library & Museums 01323 841470
Social Care Direct 0345 60 80 191 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Strategic Planning & Research 01273 481846
Student Support 01273 482031
Substance Misuse Team Under 19s 01323 841470
Trading Standards 0345 60 80 197