Visit the Westfield Wildlife Blog!
A website to log local wildlife sightings was created in August 2011 by Dave Pankhurst and Ralph Hobbs who have both lived in Westfield for over 30 years. It was hoped that this new facility would be of use to Westfield residents and vistors alike to report anything interesting or unusual found within the Parish boundary. Help with identifying species is also offered.
Click here to go to the website, or visit their Facebook page.
Any wildlife observation whether mammal, bird, insect, or flower may be posted on the website, and photos are particularly welcome. Have you seen a hedgehog recently? Westfield Wildlife is appealing for all Hedgehog sightings, including any road casualties, because their numbers have declined so drastically over the last few years.
Holly Blue butterfly by Ralph Hobbs, Westfield 5th July 2011.