Westfield Church is an Anglican (Church of England) Church in the diocese of Chichester.The Church represents the spiritual heart of the parish, representing the community to God, and God to the community. Please visit the Westfield Church website and the Westfield Church Facebook page for details of services and meetings. Click here for information about the history of our beautiful church.
From September 2022, Westfield, Fairlight and Guestling churches have worked under the leadership of our Priest in Charge, Rev'd Sandi Wickens (07395 106514 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The Churchwardens are Dawn Archer (01424 255423) and Suzanne Bunton (07753 430197). For general administration queries, including booking the Church Hall, contact the Parish Administrator Jayne at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07716 349964.
Monthly Messy Church sessions are held in the Church Hall, usually on the second Saturday. Westfield Church also runs the Parent and Toddler Group from Easter on term time Wednesdays, 1.15- 3.30pm in the church.
The church hosts the Parish Council's Community Open Space on Wednesdays from 10.30 - 12 noon. This is a warm and friendly time, with good coffee and cake, and a chance to ask our Parish Council Clerk, Jane Clarke, about issues or help about events in the village.
Updated Feb 2024