Each year, since 2005, at the Parish Assembly, the Parish Council recognises a significant contribution made to the community by awarding "The Rose Bowl" to be held for a year. The Rose Bowl is given to mark dedication and community spirit shown by an individual volunteer over many years, which brings a community benefit to residents of Westfield. From 2010, also at the Annual Parish assembly in April/May, certificates of thanks are awarded to community volunteers whose efforts have made a real difference, and who have been put forward by public nomination.

2017 Rose Bowl Award Min & Dan Stratford and Sarah Jones.All three have been instrumental in establishing the Westfield Youth Club, and continue to help provide this important service to the youngsters in the Westfield Community. The Youth Club’s annual family funday has become a very popular annual event!

2017 Certificates of thanks Toby Walsh - For maintaining our war memorial on behalf of all those who gave their lives for peace. And his passion and determination that by doing so we would not forget their sacrifice.

Ann and Malcolm Stocker - In recognition of their ongoing voluntary work within the community, and in particular their help with co-ordinating the ‘Love in a Box’ scheme.

Nik and Rosemary Wiggins - The Youth Club would not be able to run without its many volunteers. This certificate recognises Nik and Rosemary’s continued support, and giving up their free time to help.

Patrick Edwards - For always being incredibly friendly and welcoming, and  to thank him for his community spirit and involvement in many charitable events including donations.

2016 Rose Bowl Award Barbara Balkham in recognition of her dedication to and passion for Westfield over many years. In particular, her involvement with the Scouts, various fund raising initiatives, the playgroup and the revival of the village fete, as well as overseeing the establishment of the village website and its uograde this year.Westfield Parish Council also wish to recognise through this award her loyalty, integrity and diplomacy as a Parish Councillor and subsequently as its clerk, when she she always had the best interests of the whole community in mind and went above and beyond to achieve it.

2016 Certificates of Thanks: Frances Richardson in regognition of her volutary work helping 1st Westfield Scout Group as Scout Leader, Cub Leader and as Group Scout Leader. Norma and Geoff Bendle in recognition of their involvement in the development of the Westfield Hub. They are both great assets to the running of the Hub sessions. They have been of tremendous support to the committee and turn their hands to anything whenever required.

2015 Rose Bowl Award. Michael Muth for his long term support to Westfield Bowls Club, the WCA and many local groups.

2015 Certificates of Thanks: Daphne Williams for regular litter-picking in the parish; Jackie Smith for her voluntary work with Community Speed Watch, as a school governor and running the school gardening club; Michelle Underwood & Joshua Jones for their help and support to Westfield Youth Club.

2014 Rose Bowl Award. Margaret Moss in recognition of her lifetime of support to parish organisations, especially as a school governor and a church warden.

2014 Certificates of thanks: Joshua Dine for helping with the community litter picks; Dave Pankhurst and Ralph Hobbs for setting up and maintaining the Westfield Wildlife website; Dave Thomas for services to village cricket and bowls.

2014 -special award: To Fred Milward recognising his bravery and determination when serving in the 9th Battalion of the Parachute Regiment, in their D-Day action to capture the Merville gun battery, which would otherwise have been used to fire on the troops landing on the D-Day beaches. 2014 marks the 70th anniversary of these events.

2013 Rose Bowl Award. Joan Downing in recognition of a lifetime's support to Guides, Scouts, Lunch Club, PCC, Parent & Toddler Group, Play Group,  Friendship Club and many more clubs too numerous to mention!

2013 Certificates of thanks: Margaret Moss for her work as church warden especially during the recent interregnum, to John Barnett for his voluntary work for the Westfield Community Association, and to Jo Winch  for her commitment and sense of pride in her neighbourhood demonstrated by several year of regular litter picking.

2012 Certificates of thanks: Ken Marsh, Rachel Pritchard, Joyce Evans, Amanda Helm, Sue Stephenson, Richard Joy and the staff of Westfield News

2011 Certificates of thanks:Sue France, Margaret Moss , Frances Richardson, Irene Almandras, Norma Bendle, and Ken Munday.

2010 Certificates of thanks: Dan Stratford, Rose Bond , Joyce Butler,  Lyn Wardle, Patricia Marston,  Min Stratford and Sarah Howard.

Previous Rose Bowl recipients:

2012 Jean and Wilf Tomsett who have hosted the village carols around the tree for 36 years – and provided hot soup afterwards every year. 

2011 Dave Legg, Rose Bowl Award presented to celebrate Dave's outstanding support of village cricket, to mark his twenty years of maintaining the cricket ground and his support of youth cricket.

2010 Janice Bolton. Janice has been a member of the committee for the 1st Westfield Scout Group for over twenty years. She is the church organist and choir mistress and organises the community "Carols around the tree" each Christmas, and has helped out at numerous community events. She has recently voluteered her help and continuing support to this website and to the Community Hub.

2009 Sally Cruttenden. Sally has run the village Brownie and Guide group for over 25 years, without pay and with considerable commitment. She has been a "guiding light" in the lives of so many Westfield girls.

2008 Barbara Nunn. Barbara has served the community for many years as the organiser of weekly Bingo sessions and the monthly lunch club for the elderly and disabled.

2007 Pauline Filsell-Page. Pauline has served the community over many years in a variety of roles. The award this year specifically recognised the tremendous amount of work she undertakes to produce our community newsletter.

2006 Ken Munday. Ken has for many years worked to maintain our War Memorial and is the organiser of collections made for St Michael's Hospice in connection with the Christmas lights display.

2005 Audrey Feasey. Audrey gave her time for many years to organise Westfield Wheelies, a community transport scheme that matched volunteer car drivers to those with transport needs, especially in connection with medical appointments.

If you would like to nominate someone to receive an award this year please notify the clerk to the Council:

Kate Darbyshire
Clerk & RFO to Westfield Parish Council
113 Westfield Lane
St Leonards-on-Sea
East Sussex
TN37 7NJ
Tel: 01424 756973

or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.