lunch club


The Westfield Parish Lunch Club (formerly the Community Lunch Club)  holds lunches on the third Friday of each month in the Church Hall from 12:45pm for 1pm.

New members are always welcome. We provide a 2 course home cooked meal at a cost of £4.50 for those who are over 55 years old or disabled and living in Westfield Parish. We have special lunches at Christmas and Easter time, and normally a lunch outing in August.

The club  has an excellent team of volunteers who help serve the dinners and wash-up, but is always in need of extra helpers, particularly washers-up.  Please contact Sally if you can help. We have volunteer drivers to help with transport; ring co-ordinator Rosemary (email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or ring 01424 754080) for more information..

For catering purposes, if you wish to join for the first time, cancel a booking, or need information about meals please phone the cook, Sally, on 01424 754927 or 0784 050 6426 ideally giving 8-10 days notice to book.


Updated 5/9/24  Note that September's lunch is cancelled due to building works in the hall.