Westfield appears on Speed's map from 1610...
Click on the map above to be taken to a website where you can see a larger version of Speed's map.
For a more detailed version of this Yeakell & Gardner map click HERE. (Thanks to Cliff Dean)
The 18th century map above shows Westfield houses grouped around the central "Down" area. This common area of grazing and multi-purpose land was obviously at the centre of village life in the past. The windmill can be seen at the top of the Down in what is now Cottage Lane. Brede village can just be seen at the top right, separated from Westfield by the river as today. Interestingly Church Place farm is labelled "Westfield Place", not the old house of the same name which is in Cottage Lane today. Does anyone know anything about the history of the two Westfield Place(s)?
Westfield 1813 - the forge is no longer mentioned, but an (unnamed) New Cut appears | Westfield 1871 - No change? |
Westfield 1898 - New Cut is named and "Westfield House" appears in Cottage Lane. | Westfield 1920 - the house named Westfield House becomes Westfield Place. |