
    Put your hands up if you can help!

If you are new to our community or find you have spare time to help out then there are lots of opportunities for volunteers to get involved. There are a few local organisations which always welcome more help, either on a casual basis just when you have the time, with projects or more regularly. Follow the links below for who to contact we'd love to hear from you.

If your group needs more helpers, get in touch to advertise on this page.

The annual village fete, run by Westfield Community Association, needs volunteers to help set up, run stalls and/or help with the clear up. If you can spare some time for these major community events please contact the WCA. 

The HUB is a weekly meeting point for residents to share a cuppa, use the book exchange or the internet; new helpers are very welcome at The New Inn.

The Westfield Parish Lunch Club often needs help preparing or serving meals at the monthly community lunch in the Parish Hall. Contact Sally 07840 506426.

1st Westfield Scout Group always needs more help, whether you want to consider training to be a beaver, cub or scout leader, or whether you could help out with the occasional activity, please get in touch. Contact Heidi Hobden on 07842 390910 for more information.

The St Michael's Hospice Neighbours scheme will cover Westfield from 2013.  Click Hospice Neighbours for information.

Volunteers are worth celebrating! See .Community Volunteer Awards